
Showing posts from January, 2022


As you wait in expectation for all the Lord is going to do, offer a sacrifice of praise for how He will surely bless your life. It may not look like what you thought it would, but it’s going to be the very best thing for your good and His glory. I know it’s hard to see. I know. But He’s gonna do it! If you could see the smile on my face right now as I picture all of the holy goodness you will experience when you trust Him, you would feel the joy I feel. This morning I am praying for you and offering a sacrifice of praise on your behalf.  Blessings.

While We Wait

Oh, friend, I know how hard it is. I am with you. You think you know what He said, and then it doesn’t happen. Or it happens, and then it’s snatched away. Even today I sit in the confusion of it all. But what I’m not confused about is that God is good. All the time. It doesn’t matter what we face. It doesn’t matter what things look like, He is a Romans 8:28 God. He will work it out for good in His perfect time. It is oh so difficult not to stick our hands in it, but if we trust Him like we say we do, we’ll sit back and watch Him work. Even if seems like it’s taking FOR-E-VER. He is more creative than we will ever be. He’s got this. He’s got you. He is for you. Lord help us keep our eyes open to the things you are doing while we wait. Give us a glimpse of what you see and fill us with your perfect peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.  

Because I'm Christina

When I first saw the shirt my friend Amanda sent me last week, I thought, “This will be so fun to wear!” Then, I thought that maybe it’s too sassy and people might get the wrong idea about who I think I am. But then, I thought about it. We should be looking at everyone around us this way. The things that go on in my life are for me. The things that go in your life are for you.  Have you ever been waiting on the Lord for something and watched someone else get it, then wondered, “Why them Lord? Why not me?” Well, each of us has our own place in time. The Lord has a plan for every one of our lives. We don’t always stay on the path of our plan, but there is indeed one for each of us. Acts‬ ‭17:26-27‬ says, “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any on...

The Art of Not Freaking Out

I shared this message around this time last year on inauguration day. It is still a timely message with all that is going on in our country and world. It seems we cannot be certain about anything at all. Anything except our Creator. Covid is running rampant, people are losing their identities, and everything feels so out of control that many of us are trying to take control then mess everything up!   Many are in freak-out mode, so I have a question.   WHY?   I mean, do you believe that God is who He said He is? Don’t answer too quickly, because I’m going to be straight up and say, if any of us who claim the name of Jesus are fearful of the future or believe that one man, one virus, one situation, holds the power to make or break our lives, then saying we believe God is simply not the truth.   If you believe God, then I hope you will be praising Him today, tomorrow, and the next day, then the day after that. Praise Him regardless of the circumstances. Praise Him becau...

Through the Lens of Perfection

Yesterday my youngest daughter was looking through home videos of a time when my children were very little. Of course, they were precious. I had so many feelings run through me as I listened to their high pitch voices laugh, scream, and sometimes cry. There were moments I watched when I could hear or see myself less than thrilled and sometimes exhausted. As I watched I felt guilty for not being happy and amazing 100% of the time, while my kids were just being who little people are. But then I looked closer. They were happy in those videos. (except Olivia who seemed to cry in every. single. one.) They weren’t judging all of my mistakes. They didn’t see my flaws. They couldn’t see my fear of failure. They just loved me. They looked at me through a lens of perfection. I realized that all I was doing then, and all I can do now, is the very best I can. Do you know that’s what the Lord expects of all of us? He wants our very best.  He sent His Son to be the perfect example of who we shou...

Just Tell Them How You Feel.

Friends,  I come to you today tired. I have been very busy, and to be honest, I don’t like to be busy. I like to sit and think. Some days I don’t know what to share with you and today was one of those days. But I felt God saying like He often does, “Just tell them how you feel.” Okay. So, I feel like I always fall short and mess up in some kind of way. It makes me afraid to take chances sometimes and makes me self-conscious. The evil one constantly reminds me that I’m not perfect. When given wonderful opportunities, my first thought is, “They think I’m someone else. I can’t do that!” I am not giving all my friends everything they need from me and they probably think I’ve abandoned them.  The list could go on for a while, but you get the idea. Although I struggle with the fatigue of those thoughts sometimes, the Lord very quickly replaces them with the truth. Maybe you can benefit from what I’m beginning to understand. -All I can do is the very best I can do.  -I am not re...

Wrong or Rearranged?

Yesterday I found that some things did not go as planned.  I almost typed just now, that things went wrong, but honestly, I don’t know if they went wrong, or if maybe God is simply rearranging the universe for my good and His glory. My heart started racing. I got anxious. I began trying to figure out how I was going to fix it. I tried to get a hold of the people I thought could help. No one was available. And then I remembered all I learned last week during the “D o You Believe in Miracles” challenge. I do believe in miracles, so it’s about time I start to act like it! The first thing I decided to do is go to God with my concerns. I talked to Him, then made a list of what I was going to believe Him for (in case I forgot). If I really think about it, my faith hasn’t always been what it should be. I’ve always had faith, but it’s not always active faith. I often find myself holding my breath, just hoping God will change a situation. I figure, He already sees what’s going on, so won’t ...

What He Did

Today is the day we recognize Martin Luther King Jr.‘s birthday (even though it was Saturday). When I think about him, I think about the time in which he lived. I think about all the work so many people put in, that many of us benefit from.  My biggest lot of gratitude goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ obviously, but a nice portion goes to MLK Jr.  Because of the sacrifices he made, I get to come to you each day, allowing you to see who I am without fear of persecution. Because of what he did, many of you take time to listen to my thoughts and feelings, believing I am worthy of being listened to. Because he fought, I get to go where I want and do what I want to do. Sometimes I have to work a little harder to get there, but he helped pave the way. I’m going to let you in on something that may surprise you. Sometimes when I speak or write, I struggle to believe anyone really cares about what this Black girl has to say. I wonder if some think that because my skin is brown, ...

Put it Down

Welcome to the weekend. It’s time to rest. I know you’ve been told to stay strong. You are strong. But that doesn’t mean allowing yourself to bear the burdens of the world. What you are carrying is heavy.  Put it down. The Lord never said it was your responsibility to carry all of that.  “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬  Today, take time to meditate on God’s word and rest. I would love to pray for you and whatever burden you are carrying today. Comment below so this community of believers can join in prayer for you, or send me a private message.

Sometimes They Look Different

Last night I shared my story with a group, of the experience I had six years ago when I almost lost my son Isaiah to a severe brain hemorrhage. We talked about miracles. Many times we think of miracles as huge unexplainable occurrences that happen in times of trouble. Those are obvious, right? Some miracles happen around us each day that we don’t even notice because maybe they’re so small in our minds that they don’t count. There was a point when I didn’t know if my son would live or die. When I could see that he was going to live, I decided that God was going to perform the miracle of perfect healing. I believed that He was going to heal Isaiah to the point where he would be even better mentally and physically than he was before. I believed he would walk out of that hospital and onto the football field, then more than likely onto the NFL because he was going to be THAT kind of miracle. Sometimes miracles don’t look like what we think they will. The Lord sees the whole picture, so He i...

Butterflies in my Stomach

Okay, so yeah, I’m sharing a picture of me internally freaking out while holding my book (releasing soon)!  Maybe you are thinking, “Wow! Look at her! She realized her dream.” Well, can I tell you something? I never dreamt of being an author. I had lots of other dreams and plans for myself over the last 48 years, but none of them came even close to writing a book. I also never planned that I would start a ministry stemming from the near-death of my son. But God did. He turned my dreams and plans around. I wasn't happy about it at first, but now I am filled with unspeakable joy! Today I want to express to you how God can do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Did you catch that? He can do more than you IMAGINE. I don’t know about you, but I have a vivid imagination, so the fact that the Lord can do far beyond that is absolutely incredible! Maybe the Lord is opening doors for you left and right and the plans laid out for you are coming to fruition, or mayb...

Should Someone Call an Exorcist?

Last Friday I went bowling with some of my family. I am aware of my low skill level, so I remained humble throughout the first game, and surprisingly finished in 1st place!  The second game began and I just knew I would dominate even more. I may not have been quite as humble. I was last on the list to go. I stood up and approached my ball with confidence. I picked it up, set my eye on the center arrow painted on the lane, then took a few quick steps forward just as I had before.  As I took my last step, I swung my arm backward, then forward, and fell flat on my face. Actually, flat is not entirely accurate. I’m pretty sure every one of my limbs flew in a different direction, and the position of my head may have had folks wondering if they should call an exorcist. I also seemed to be temporarily blinded from the fall but could hear my ball bouncing its way down the lane. Let’s pause for a moment of prayer. The problem was that I had stepped over the foul line into the lane— 1. ...

The Miracle

This week I will be participating in the 5-day Do You Believe in Miracles Challenge. Sign up here for a week of miracles. This morning I’d like to start with a miracle story of my own. A few years ago, Isaiah told us he wanted to join the church basketball team. I didn’t say much about it, but secretly hoped he would change his mind. There were a couple of reasons I felt strongly about him not playing. I was concerned for his safety and worried about kids making fun of him (Yes it was a Church league, but sometimes that doesn’t make a difference).  He had a couple of people discourage him from playing and he let me know how much that hurt him. So, against my gut feeling of not wanting him to play, I pushed for it to happen. I told my husband that I absolutely did not want him to play, but was absolutely not going to tell him he couldn’t.  He wanted to and we were going to let him. In the spirit of transparency, I also have to let you know that I had a hard time watching him b...

My Stinkin' Word

So a great number of people I know have come up with a word for the year. I’ve always thought that was a nice idea, but never really joined that camp. Well, this year I decided to participate. It wasn’t difficult because God has been whispering a word in my ear for months. The problem is. . . I didn’t like it. So, I decided I would work to come up with a new one. My dear friend Carol Tetzlaff came up with an incredible worksheet to help figure out what word God is speaking to each of us. I thought, “Okay, I’m gonna work on this. Surely I can come up with something else.”  On December 31st many of my friends posted their words for the year. They were great! Brave, anticipation, health, rogue, service, reflect, fulfilled, gaze. . . Such lovely words. But, God didn’t give me a word like that. As I filled out the word worksheet, I could almost hear God say, “Seriously Christina. I already gave you your word, and you’re seriously doing this right now?” I continued writing. Have I ever t...